
Love you sis!

Check out these amzing pics of my gorgeous sis, Kelly.

Hmmm...who does this remind you of?

I know I already posted this on my Facebook site, but it's so hilarious that I've got to post it here as well. It's a recipe I found on Recipezaar.com. The first person I thought of when I read it was my mom. Don't know why. Love you mom!

Your Kids Time out Lunch

1 slice whole wheat bread (old as possible)
1 glass water

1.) Place bread on a steel prison lunch tray.
2.) Place glass of water out until it is room temperature.
3.) Serve to misbehaving child and say in your best parental tones,"Kids in Botswana would be proud to have so much"!

Here's the original posting if you want to check it out:


It Has Arrived!

After awaking to the tell-tale signs of giggles on the baby monitor this morning, I went out to the living room window. And what did I see? Could it be......? Why, yes! It was what I have been waiting for for a few weeks now........FALL!!! Because what I saw outside was a brooding storm of torrential rain and dark, gloomy, low clouds. What a lovely sight!

A lovely sight you ask? What may be the onset of depressing, downer winter for some is the beginning of the most magical time of year for me. There's nothing like hunkering down in a warm blanky with a cup of hot coffee or cocoa, watching your favorite holiday movie or playing holiday music, watching the rain or snow fall outside, maybe even some thick fog. Aaaaaaah.

It's about the nostalgia, too. I remember the first year we moved to Idaho and the first time it snowed. We were all so excited that we ran out into the front yard and stomped around in it, no snow boots or gloves or hats or anything. And then when we lived on Saddle Court we would go out and play with the neighbors across the street for hours on end, building forts, throwing snow balls, sledding. I think I got frost bite on my cheeks twice that year.

Of course there's the holidays and family events. Who doesn't love getting together with the ones you love the most, keeping great company and eating good food. So many sites and smells and tastes seem exclusive to this beloved time of year: holiday scented candles, pumpkin pie, pine trees, sweaters and scarves, twinkling lights, gift wrap, cranberry sauce and slow roasted turkey, pine cones, nativity scenes, sledding, shiny gift wrap and bows, post-thanksgiving bumper to bumper traffic.

Ok, so maybe that last one isn't that great, but the rest is just the tip of the holiday iceberg. Im ready to pull all the lights and decorations out of the closet, pop White Christmas into the dvd player and go to town. BUT......maybe it'd be best to wait another month. Either way, the holiday season is upon us. Thank you autumn, I've missed you.


To blog or not to blog?

After getting sucked into a few other friends' blogs, I've decided that I would give this blogging craze a stab. I hope to be able to keep up with it and post at least a few times a week. I find it so interesting to read what goes on in other people's lives and minds. It reminds me that you can learn something new every day, often in unexpected places. So whether you learn anything from my meanderings or you just get a good chuckle every now and then, enjoy!